Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blog Make Over!

I have spent the entire day revamping my little blog. I've visited some of the cutest blogs lately and I realized that mine just wasn't where I wanted it to be. So I did some hunting and found some super cute blog templates and also found some amazing photo editing sites to make my snazzy new header! It's the little things in life...

Here's where I found the great templates:

And also here: Leelou Blogs (for some reason I couldn't get their button to work...)

Cheri over at I Am Momma Hear Me Roar has a great video tutorial on how to make a header using Picnik.comThis video is so helpful. I have now found one of my new favorite photo editing site! Another editing site I found is ShabbyBlogs has another great video tutorial on how to use that site. It is truly amazing! I've had so much trouble using the editing software that came with my camera, but these sites make things a piece of cake!
Well, all said and done, I'd say it was quite a productive day and I'm rather pleased with the results :)
Hope this can offer some help to someone else in my shoes!


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